Compliance with sanction rules - a key task for the treasury
In a tense geopolitical situation, compliance with legal sanctions regulations is becoming even more critical for corporate treasurers and financial managers. The global fight against money laundering and international terrorism also underlines the importance of this task.
At the heart of this process is the verification of financial transactions against international sanctions lists, also known as "sanctions screening". Even though banks are generally responsible for compliance with the relevant legal and regulatory provisions, corporates should already anchor the necessary verification routines in all their banking processes. Not taking existing embargoes or sanctions lists into account can not only damage the company's image, but also lead to payments being frozen due to possible violations, which can only be unblocked again with considerable effort.
It is therefore becoming increasingly important for the treasury to filter out suspicious payments by means of sanctions screening even before they are sent to the bank. The central prerequisite for fulfilling this task is the monitoring of all corporate financial transactions.
Denied Party Checks
With the "Denied Party Check" module for the MultiCash Electronic Banking system, we offer you an integrated solution with which you can monitor your entire payments business. The check is not only carried out against daily updated sanction lists and company-specific "denied parties", but also compares the payments with internal "whitelists", which contain trustworthy partners and company-specific rules for data analysis. All transactions from your previous systems and all manually entered payments are also taken into account.